I upgraded my previous led longboard! It now uses an atmega328 microcontroller instead of a ready made led controller, so I don't have the remote anymore. I do now, however, have a hallsensor near one of my wheels. Together with the microcontroller and a magnet I put in the wheel, I can now measure my speed, and make the leds respond to that in any way possible.
In the video the hallsensor isn't there yet, it's just displaying the modes I programmed for the leds. (I'm pushing the buttons with my foot.) I also used one of the modes as a battery indicator.
In the video the hallsensor isn't there yet, it's just displaying the modes I programmed for the leds. (I'm pushing the buttons with my foot.) I also used one of the modes as a battery indicator.
Hey man I just put some LPD8806 LEDs on my longboard with a Arduino Uno. Was wondering if you could send me the code you used in the video. Cheers
BeantwoordenVerwijderencould you post the code?